Xander scott that 70s gay porn movie

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Will the pledges each complete their pledge tasks? Will Brock’s skillful cocksucking and passionate bottoming to Skip help him make it as a DIK. And don’t miss Reese Rideout as Puff, the perpetually stoned fratboy. Along for the r ide is Leo Giamani as the hunky Professor Ben Davidson who feeds an eager Mike West a mouthfull of huge cock, as well as rams his ass with a dildo. But never fear, Brock’s fellow pledges, played by Ethan Parker, Dustin Steel and Mike West, all have his back. But that very fact has outraged frat President, Skip Deuche (Xander Scott), and along with his two studly sidekicks, Crank Shaft (Vincent DeSalvo) and Boner (Brandon Kent), he’s out to sabotage Brock’s every move. Not that he has anything to worry about, his grandfather started DIK and being a legacy he’s a shoo-in.

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This erotic comedy centers around Brock Wopat (Christian Sharp), a horny college student who wants nothing more than to be a member of the infamous Delta Iota Kappa fraternity. In That 70’s Gay Porn Movie, Randy Blue spoofs the 70’s as we show you what a Randy Blue movie would have looked like had we been around in the era of Lava Lamps and Bell Bottoms. The 1970’s were a time for horny college students getting it on, fratboys’ homoerotic hazing rituals, and student/teacher sex fantasies.

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