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Raya and company traverse multiple lands to collect the scattered pieces of the stone, giving the creators an excuse to indulge in expansive world-building, while snappy editing and rousingly choreographed action scenes animate these settings with comic strip panache.The party keeps rolling into 2022, as our South Shore talents are poised to up the ante. 'Raya and the Last Dragon' is ‌an‌ ‌animated‌ ‌Disney‌ ‌adventure‌ ‌about‌ ‌a‌ ‌warrior‌ ‌princess‌ ‌on‌ ‌a‌ ‌mission. Kelly Marie Tran and Awkwafina lead a predominantly. Overseas, Raya and the Last Dragon debuted to $17.6 million from 32 markets for a global bow of $26.2 million.The other Disney animated films to make the list were Frozen (#6. Raya and the last dragon party cityOccupying the #2-4 slots were Moana (8.9 billion minutes), Raya and the Last Dragon (8.3B minutes), and Frozen II (5.7B minutes).

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